Alicia Sacramone:

Gymnast Alicia Sacramone faltered on the balance beam before she even started her routine. You could hear the audience's shock and the commentator saying what a disaster this was for US gymnastic team. Alicia herself realized at the moment she lost balance that she stripped her team of any Gold medal dreams. However, she went on to completing the rest of her routine perfectly. Many people in her position would have given up, because after years of working for something so dear to you, losing it because of bad luck feels really awful. In her interview later she said that it was rare for her to have lost balance like that. But it happened and she moved on. What I liked about her was that she had the courage, determination and sportsmanship to continue and do what she needed to do. She accepted responsibility for her mistakes even though according to experts even if Alicia had given a perfect routine, they would be still lagging behind China has they performed routines with more difficulty. I really feel that she was unfairly scored in the vault competition which she competed for later and lost the chance of winning the bronze, but I knew this girl will get through it. :-)
Milorad Cavic (the guy who "almost" won Phelps)

Lolo Jones

I saw sprinter Lolo Jones do very well in the heats and in the semi-finals. I was shocked to see that she came 5th place in the finals. Unfortunately it was not her day. She was leading the race until she hit the 8th hurdle and lost her speed. According to her this rarely happens and happened during the most important day of her life. Jones had faced several difficulties in life and she managed to come this far, just because of her sheer determination and her love for the sport. It is really a very inspiring story. Read more here. Really an example of what life can throw at you in the most unexpected time and fashion. Like Jones says, what can you do in these circumstances other than to try again? Well easy to say, but really very difficult to follow. Time is the healer of all wounds.
I am sure there are many, many more Olympic heroes like these people who have captured our hearts in displaying mental strength in the face of adverse circumstances. Apart from sports there are many people in life who have shown greatness in spirit despite difficulties. My three cheers to them. I did read that you need not be a medal winner to be an Olympic champion. So true!