Monday, May 3, 2010


Well, what should I be doing now? Studying, applying for jobs, catching up on sleep, exercising?? After all this is my break time (my son is napping). Instead what am I doing? Blogging. Why? Because it is so very difficult to stop and capture the train of thoughts, for a later point in time (anyways there is no later point in time to blog).

Coming to the topic, isn't it strange? I mean to love the things we once hated and to hate the things we once loved? Here are few examples:

When I came into this country I had to work in an ice-cream shop. Of course we got free milk-shakes and ice-creams anytime we wanted. I wish I knew more about fat/saturated fat/trans fat/empty calories back then, I wouldn't have made ice-cream my lunch and dinner. Well, I always thought I would be a 'back of bones'. I was wrong. Age and weight catch up with you fast. Anyways, back to the point..I used to hate mint-chocolate chip flavor. I used to think why do "these" people like this tooth-paste (min-choco ice-cream used to taste like indian tooth-paste to me) so much?

When my roommates used to drag me to Tacobell, I used to crave the indian wrap (whatever they call them, i forgot the name).

I used to love the idea of returning back to India to live close to my relatives. I loved the idea of meeting them everyday and they being part of our lives and spending time with them. I loved the idea of joint-family system.

Fast forward, 9+ years:

I really like indian tooth-paste for an ice-cream.
I crave tacobell food over the indian wrap.
I am happy being in U.S of A, my independent self, leading an independent life-style. I hate the constant interference of relatives when I go to India. I find life claustrophobic with too many rules to adhere to and too many pretensions to live by with my relatives constantly hovering around us. However, I love to live close to my parents (i hope that does not change :-)).

Sometimes, it is scary to realize that you change so much. Is this what they refer as becoming "Americanized"?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perhaps, that's called assimilating yourself in a new culture. It's a good thing!