Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Earliest Memory

I cannot believe that it has been more than a month and half since I blogged. I have been preoccupied with so many things, that I have not had the time to blog. But, I have started to read many blogs quite frequently.

My good old buddy Sachita tagged me to write about my earliest memory. This is really an interesting and good tag.

My earliest memory is of course an incident that happened in my childhood. I think I was a toddler and I was sitting in the living room, when my dad was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper and drinking his morning coffee. I don't remember if I was wearing a plastic bangle that I removed or I found one on the floor, but I took it and put it in my mouth and was trying to swallow it. My dad who was just next to me, though engrossed in reading the paper, suddenly realized that something was wrong and looked at me. He saw me trying to push the bangle down my throat and his face turned blue. I clearly remember him screaming for my mother, while he put this fingers inside my mouth and pulled the bangle out which was really close to my throat. Apparently I was really young when this happened, but I am surprised how vividly I remember this incident, the living room, my dad reading the paper and all. :-)

My dad remembers his incident very well and how it scared the hell out of him :-)


Sachita said...

Of all the earliest memories I have read, yours is the earliest!:)

Truly amazing that you can remember incident from such an early time of your life.

Laksh said...

very well described too! I could imagine the scene as you have described it!

mitr_bayarea said...

Na-an- that must have been one scary moment for your dad...good that you could recollect such an early memory.....

na_an said...

Sachita and Mitr: Yeah. I think I remember the incident because of the impact it had on me. My mom always says I can recollect movie scenes better than school stuff ;-)

Laksh: thanks for stopping by.